Do business with Orange

Participate to Orange Fab Israel program:

The engagement process is focused on scouting missions. For each mission, we bring operational teams and its decision makers to Israel to meet with start-ups in pitching sessions organized over two days. Each mission has its own focus and the start-ups invited to pitch are pre-selected together with our partners in Israel. A successful mission is when a few solid contacts are set to engage in a POC, a co-innovation project or a commercial deal.

Mission themes follow Orange business and innovation priorities: Connected Health, Cyber Security, Smart City, Advanced Network & Connectivity, Internet of Things…

Once a year we organize a demo day in Tel Aviv with executives from Orange and all the Israeli start-ups collaborating with us: an opportunity to meet each other, to share about business, trends, successes, and to continue boosting co-innovation within the Orange Fab Israel community.

Interested by one of our upcoming scouting missions? Go to the past event section or the upcoming event to learn about our schedule.